Applying for the CDBG-CV Grant -- OPEN now due to more money added through 2 more of our towns being awarded.
(Application forms may not show well on a cell phone.)
New Guidance as of 6/29 - Anyone who has received EIDL and PPP payroll expenses CAN STILL BE eligible for this grant IF you do not ask for a duplication of benefits. (This grant can cover payroll expenses, and that would be a duplication if you got PPP.) However, you can apply for inventory and other expenses requested outside of payroll if you got PPP. Capital and inventory may be applied for instead. If you didn't use the PPP, you may apply for all three - payroll, capital and inventory. Likewise with EIDL. Ask only for a different activity or a different time line from the CDBG-CV grant.
Example: If an organizations received PPP for payroll assistance, they can apply for assistance for other operating expense. It’s the duplication of that activity not that they received federal funds.
If they were denied/rejected from other federal sources, they can apply for CV as it would not be a duplication of benefits.
How will you receive funds or what information must the county have from a business prior to requesting those funds from the state?
The county must have copies of invoices (bills) or payrolls from the businesses for the expense they are requesting. Once it is bought, a receipt must be attached to it. You may request items bought after March 1, or items you need with a vendor's invoice or bill.
The good news is there are just 2 forms that must be included for the eligibility of a business.
The Job Certification Info below will help you qualify the jobs you need at 51% Low to Moderate Income (LMI). You will need to understand it to fill out the 2 forms below. Note how a full-time person is counted per hours they work. Do not apply for this grant unless you have screened the employees/or yourself as a good candidate.
Job Certifications for Economic Development Projects
I. Job Retention
Job retention is determined by income level only at time of award and any reasonable turnover in two years. Retention jobs are those jobs that would be lost, by company certification, if the company had not been funded. Jobs are certified at the award stage and at the end of the project for any jobs that may have been replaced.
II. Job Creation
Taken by: Income level at time of employment.
III. Base Employment
Base employment is the number of current employees on the payroll, not counted as retentions, that would keep their job if the grant were not funded. These do not have to be income-qualified.
IV. Jobs in Excess of Requirement
The agreement (state contract), should state that at a minimum, at least 51 percent of all jobs created or retained (including any in excess of the number specified which result from the assisted activity) must benefit low- and moderate-income persons.
FTE’s (Full-Time Equivalent) will be figured by the following formula by the Department.
40 Hour Week
0 - 5 hours 0 Person
6 - 15 hours 1/4 Time Person
16 - 25 hours 1/2 Time Person
26 - 35 hours 3/4 Time Person
36 - 40 hours Full-Time Employee
The form for the business owner requesting money is found in this form called the Emergency Response Business Form.
Fill it out, print it. If you have 0-5 employees, you also need to fill out the form below, the Employee Certification Form. Note: You will need a DUNS number to receive money from the government. You might get that set up if you don't have one.
Employees and sole proprietors need to fill out this form. They and/or 51% of the employees must fall at or under column C in order to qualify under this grant. In order to protect employees privacy, they may look at or fill this out and deliver to me as qualifiers. Employee Certification Form - Please put hours on the sheet of Full and part-time people so they can be evaluated by the criteria above.
Fill it out, and print it, (both forms). DUE as soon as you can get it in. You can scan items to me. Money is given first served. SIGN where needed, and if you are outside of Marysville or Blue Rapids, send to MC Partnership 4 Growth, PO Box 61, Marysville, KS 66508. You may also send it digitally to Ask for a CONFIRMATION to be sure it worked digitally. If I got it, I will confirm. No confirmation, you are not in. You may also take your full application to the county court house and deliver to the Clerk's office. They will mark the date and time on it. You will be contacted about your eligibility once we can screen it. BR and Marysville should take to or send to their city clerk.
Note on Reporting: Items you want to have this grant pay for will need to be shown with a bill (invoice), and the receipt to show you purchased it after March 1. Bank statements work well, or the actual bill and receipt. No Quickbooks or Excelsheets allowed. This is proof of purchase. Then the county/city can ask for that amount from the state. If it is inventory or future bills you need to money for, you may request it with an invoice from the vendor. Once you receive the money, and pay for the item, a copy of the receipt of payment MUST go back to the city/county for the grant administration. This is the reporting part of the grant, and must be followed in order to participate.
Questions - Can't open something? Question? Call Ellen at 785-207-7598 or email