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A new website from the Depart of Ag for access to programs, info tools and personal advice for farmers, ranchers and private foresters.  Check it out!  Fund page is   Home page is

In 2018, Secretary Perdue unveiled, a dynamic, mobile-friendly public website combined with an authenticated portal where customers will be able to apply for programs, process transactions and manage accounts.

Navigating the H-2A Visa Process:

Focused on education and smaller owner-operators, this H-2A Phase I release includes an H-2A Visa Program page and interactive checklist tool, with application requirements, fees, forms, and a timeline built around a farmer’s hiring needs.

You may view the video at this following link:


The H-2A Visa Program – also known as the temporary agricultural workers program – helps American farmers fill employment gaps by hiring workers from other countries. The U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. Department of State, and state workforce agencies each manage parts of the H-2A Visa Program independently, with separate websites and complex business applications.

USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) has micro and Operating Loans.
From College Project to Full Time Job, USDA Microloan Helps Kentucky Heritage Livestock Farmer - Great story -
Beginning Farmer Loan Program Through the Kansas Development Finance Authority  See

USDA Conservation Collaboration Grants

The purpose of the collaboration grants is to leverage agency resources to improve soil health, improve water quality, provide habitat for local wildlife species of concern, improve the environmental and economic performance of working ag lands, and assist communities and groups to build and strengthen local food projects that provide healthy food and economic opportunities.  Kansas is one of five states selected to participate and is estimated to receive $2 million in funding. The grants will be one to three years in length. Learn more and apply at:

USDA Disaster Resource Center with a searchable knowledge base from bee loss, to crop pest damage, to viral animal damage, and all types of natural disasters.
Free Energy Audit for Small Business or Farm 
Agriculture Grant
Do you work in Ag?  Value-Added Producer Grants have just received more money.  It may be used to develop new products and create additional uses for existing ones. Priority for these grants is given to veterans, beginning operations, small- and medium-sized family farms and ranchers, and projects that will create or increase marketing opportunities for these types of operators. $75,000.00 maximum award.
Example awards from 2015 include $75,000 to conduct a feasibility study on processing, packaging and marketing buffalo meat, and $49,663 grant to expand distribution of  free-range chicken products into eastern CO and western KS markets.
Nervous about submitting a grant?  There's help.  Contact us on the contact tab.
Agriculture Microloan  Information - Up to 50K loan for lower interest rates.  Worth checking out -   (But don't forget MCP4G has a 0% up to 10k Microloan.  See tab at Top of Page.)
Helpful Government Information
USDA Offers New Loans for Portable Farm Storage and Handling Equipment
Streamlined Crop Reporting 
USDA Crop Insurance Allows for more Flexible Planting
Contact Jerry Zayas, Ex. Director - 785-713-6269 or email at
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