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Management Jobs
Public Works Superintendent. City of Frankfort (MCP4G Partner). The employee manages, supervises personnel and performs all aspects of public works related to the management/maintenance of streets, alleys, curbs, gutters; street sweeping, ice and snow control; management of vehicles and equipment; pool prep, building and grounds facility maintenance; water/waste water/storm water infrastructure maintenance, (etc.). Applicant should possess or be willing to obtain Water/Wastewater Operator Certifications and a valid driver’s license. High School diploma or GED required. Competitive salary based on experience and qualifications. Competitive benefits include family health and dental insurance, KPERS, sick and vacation leave. For information contact City Clerk, 109 North Kansas, Frankfort, KS 66427, 785-292-4240. Applications and resumes - contact City Clerk, 109 North Kansas, Frankfort, KS 66427. 785-292-4240.
Medical Insurance Coordinator. Local. Reliable, detail oriented, proficient in math and have strong customer service and computer skills. Comfortable with accounting and insurance claim requirements. F/T. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume' to Attn: Job Posting, PO Bo 271, Marysville, KS 66508.
A lot of positions, from Accounting to Managing, to Manufacturing. CJ Foods. Bern. See Lots of benefits.
Project Manager, Engineer. Geogia Pacific. Blue Rapids. See:
Assistant Store Manager, Dollar General, Blue Rapids. Supervise store employees. Assist with efficient management of inventory and effective presentation of merchandise. Ensure a safe working environment while providing for the protection of company assets.
Asst Store Manager. Dollar General. Marysville. The Assistant Store Manager helps maintain a clean, well-organized store with a customer-first focus. At the direction and delegation of the Store Manager, the Assistant Store Manager assists with supervision of store employees, management and presentation of merchandise, completion of paperwork, and preparation of deposits. The Assistant Store Manager also performs stocking and cashiering functions, and performs other duties as necessary to maximize profitability and customer satisfaction while protecting company assets and reducing losses.,+KS&tk=1cbsgbtut2gfp8i5&from=ja&alid=576a3c96e4b038f6b0a50e3c&utm_source=jobseeker_emails&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=job_alerts&rgtk=1cbsgbtut2gfp8i5
Manager of Coffee/Sandwich Shop. Adjacent to My Sister's Closet. Waterville. Must have experience with restaurants and management. Must be familiar with ordering, budgeting, scheduling, employee management. will be hiring and firing employees if needed. Required to cover shifts if people can't cover their shift. F/T. $450-520.00 a week. Email Rachael at
Advertising Manager. F/T. May be flexible as to location. Grow and Increase sales for Wamego and Waterville locations. Experience required with Instagram, FB ads, Snapchat, Website SEOs, Event Planning, email marketing and budgeting. Work with local businesses, attend Chamber meetings, and city meetings. Not an inclusive list. 4450-520 weekly negotiable salary. F/T. Email Rachael at
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